TIA Microphone

Listen the Sounds of Your Machines!

TIA Microphone is an IEPE type microphone specifically designed for industrial environments. It offers great value, especially in critical operations such as predictive maintenance.

• TIA Microphone is an essential device for detecting sensitive conditions such as cutting tool wear, preventing machine breakdowns and ensuring the continuous flow of production

• TIA Microphone enables real-time monitoring of equipment status and early detection of potential problems through audio analysis and by this way reduces the costs by machine
downtime and maintenance operations.

• TIA Microphone is robust for the conditions of industrial environments and performs reliably even in these environments

-40 °C +85 °C çalışma sıcaklığı
Yüksek hassasiyet
6 -20000 Hz frekans yanıt
Kompakt tasarım
Çok yönlü (Omnidirectional)

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