TIA Integrator

Make Your Machines Intelligent!

TIA Integrator is a remote input/output (I/O) device designed to control (e.g., on/off) machines, sensors and other industrial devices and monitor their parameters (e.g., on/off, pressure, temperature, flow rate) remotely.

• TIA Integrator is developed for monitoring and controlling digital signals from devices such as sensors or switches. It is used to monitor different signals and operating states of old machines (legacy/brownfield) and to monitor various buttons.

• TIA Integrator is used to trace various button states. For example, it can be used to turn on a motor, stop a machine or close a valve. It allows command of any industrial machine controlled by a button or a switch to be operated remotely.

• TIA Integrator is used to monitor analog data from sensors. For example, it can be used to monitor variables such as temperature, pressure or flow rate. TIA Integrator converts the analog data of sensors producing currents between 0-20 mA and 4-20 mA into digital values and stores them to a database.

-40°C'den +85°C'ye kadar çalışma sıcaklığı
Yüksek örnekleme hızı
Dijital giriş ve çıkış kanalları, analog giriş kanalları
InfluxDB ile doğrudan entegre
MQTT ve Modbus TCP protokolü ile haberleşme

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